Saturday, December 12, 2009

Shakiya Thompson

This project is for music.I really love music. So hope you like it.

Shakiya Thompson

Well I really admire Michael Jackson. He inspires me to be to do better at music and art. So I really hope you like this. I put a lot of hard work and passion so i really hope you like as much as I do!!!!!

Spaces Between Your Fingers

aunt johanne

Ricardo's Hand

Shakiya Thompson

This project I did it's called spaces between your fingers.Well i really like it a lot so hope you enjoy it.

Spaces between project victoria johnston

My advice to you: Give yourself a 'Hand'!


This is my piece for the spaces between your fingers project. The advice I gave was think before you speak, because it is good advice for everyone of all ages.

Shakiya Thompson

I really admire Mariah Carey. She really inspires me so i did this picture of her.

business card

Even Moore Art!

This one was affected by some time constraints, but I love it anyway!!!

Business Card Logo

This is my business card logo. It was a vector of a 3-tear cake. This was my favorite project

Ricardo's Digital Painting

This is my cool G.I. Joe Digital Painting. I traced the outside of the guys body and typed in G.I joe inside the tracing.

Alexandra Mitrovich

These are the two sides of my business card.

Front of
card Back
of card

Utopia flyer

this is my G.I Joe Digital Painting

My Business Card logo. I want to become a baker when i grow up

Victoria Johnston Digital painting

This is my third and final project I did in dig art. This is my favorite of the 3 projects my group created! I love this picture soooo much!!!

Victoria Johnston business card

These are my pics of my second dig art project. It is suppose to be two sides to business card for cartooning thing.

Hannah's Digital Artwork!

This is the first project I made in class. It is a movie poster for the word " cinemuck". Cinemuck is the gunk on the floor of the movie theater.

This is a business card for a company called
Sit N' Think. I have yet ti figure out what my company actually does, but they have a pretty
cool card!

This is my digital painting. It is a girl on a windy day. Though I thought it looked simple at first there are so many different textures and colors all over. It was hard to get just right.


This is a flyer for the show Radiolab. It is a favorite of mine and features Ira Glass hosting the TV VS. Radio battle of the mediums.

Shakiya Thompson

I really like like my class and all the artwork I did in this class. So I'm glad to be in this class I had a lot of fun.


This Jungle Pet's piece is unfinished but I am planning on finishing it some time but I don't know when. It is a business card for a pet store.

This piece is my favorite from the digital art class, I worked really hard on it. It's an imitation of Van Gogh Skull with Cigarette. And it was a lot of fun to do. Thanks for your help Mr. Dan. =]

My Art flyer was also a lot of fun and I chose the word art, because I thought it would be a good way to show how to express yourself and show all of the different forms. The art flyer is at the top.

Thanks again Mr. Dan!!!!

Victoria Johnston RAMONES converse flyer

This my first digital art project. It turned out amazing!

Welcome YAW Fall 2009 Introduction to Digital Art!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thanks YAW'LL!

Hello YAW 2009 Intro to Digital Workshop!

Many thanks to you Kyshan, And to the entire class!

I had an amazing time in the 5-week class and I too learned much from the experience. I was completely amazed with the command that you all had over the applications used in class! The entire class work speaks for its self! The work that was made in those short five weeks triumphs over that of freshman and sophomore classes I have seen. Everyone came ready to learn and I feel you all pushed yourselves to really make the best work you possibly could. I look forward to instructing more courses at Moore so please come by to check out a new class. As far as a 2nd course, or more in-depth course for digital art we shall see, I will keep you all posted. In the mean time please inquire with Moore about the second course I am certain they would love to hear form students that have taken the course!

Most of all I would like to thank you all for being a great class in a new course! You were all very receptive to the course, showed tremendous eagerness to learn the tools & applications & you made it fun. I think those are the three main ingredients to learning, pursuing and attain any goal in front of you. I hope to see you in the next course and wish you all the very best in your future & careers! Please stay in connect and keep this blog alive! Many thanks.


- Dan Waldron

Thursday, August 13, 2009

THANX DAN:Dan I want to say thank you ,coming from the whole introduction to digital art class...You have been helpful and caring. Your not like most teachers thats why we respect you,and trust your opinions.I personally ,and many from the class hope to work with you again,In a 2nd course of digital art perhaps.On the first day of class i thought i wanted to change classes. (but my dad woulnt let me)But im glad i dint because you've helped me and guided me threw the adobe features and handling,now i've learned not to jugde a book by its cover because in the end i learned alot,made new friends,and learned that not every teachers the same.

Ps:YOUR AWSOME....:)....Hope to learn More from you again......

-Kyshan Wooten

XxShAwNIiiExX_Kyshan Wooten

ThIsS IsS a DiGiTaL PaInTiNG Of mY cElEbRiTY CruSh ''cIaRa'' aNd i sTaRtED WiTh A SiMpLe sKeTcH FrOm A PhOtO FoUnD ON GoOgLe....aND OnCe i sKeTcHeD tHe pHOtO OUt i tHEn sCaNnEd It oNtO The cOmPUtEr...aNd wIth hElP FrOm MoOrE cOllEgEs hAnDy dAnDy waCoM tAbLeT I ComPLeTed a awSoMe pAinTInG....

Ricardo Santiago

I took a rose and turned it to a black and white rose. It was fun to do this rose.

Ricardo Santiago

avrie graham

XxShaWniiExX_Kyshan Wooten

tHE OriGiNaL InSPiRaTiON FoR ThE ''JUXtapoz'' PiEcE WaS CoNfUsiOn aNd a mIX Of pErsOnAlItIeS GOInG ThReW My nEiGhBoRHoOD..AnD ThE WaY I SaW It wAS WiLd cRaZy aNd A MIx oF FEElInGs......tHe ''geRmApHoBeS SaNiTiZR PIeCe wAs a tOpIC Of wHiCh wE cHoSE ONe wOrD,MiNe wAS GeRmApHObE.AnD WiTh ThAt WoRd wE HaD tO AdvErTIsE tHe wOrD WiTh A MaDe Up PrOdUcT....SoO i bAsIcAllY PuT A MaGnIfIeD GeRM iin ThA BaCk'gRouNd aND ThINgS ThaT rELaTed tO keEpInG GerMs aWaY...-Kyshan Wooten

Jacob Ruttenberg