Friday, August 21, 2009

Thanks YAW'LL!

Hello YAW 2009 Intro to Digital Workshop!

Many thanks to you Kyshan, And to the entire class!

I had an amazing time in the 5-week class and I too learned much from the experience. I was completely amazed with the command that you all had over the applications used in class! The entire class work speaks for its self! The work that was made in those short five weeks triumphs over that of freshman and sophomore classes I have seen. Everyone came ready to learn and I feel you all pushed yourselves to really make the best work you possibly could. I look forward to instructing more courses at Moore so please come by to check out a new class. As far as a 2nd course, or more in-depth course for digital art we shall see, I will keep you all posted. In the mean time please inquire with Moore about the second course I am certain they would love to hear form students that have taken the course!

Most of all I would like to thank you all for being a great class in a new course! You were all very receptive to the course, showed tremendous eagerness to learn the tools & applications & you made it fun. I think those are the three main ingredients to learning, pursuing and attain any goal in front of you. I hope to see you in the next course and wish you all the very best in your future & careers! Please stay in connect and keep this blog alive! Many thanks.


- Dan Waldron

Thursday, August 13, 2009

THANX DAN:Dan I want to say thank you ,coming from the whole introduction to digital art class...You have been helpful and caring. Your not like most teachers thats why we respect you,and trust your opinions.I personally ,and many from the class hope to work with you again,In a 2nd course of digital art perhaps.On the first day of class i thought i wanted to change classes. (but my dad woulnt let me)But im glad i dint because you've helped me and guided me threw the adobe features and handling,now i've learned not to jugde a book by its cover because in the end i learned alot,made new friends,and learned that not every teachers the same.

Ps:YOUR AWSOME....:)....Hope to learn More from you again......

-Kyshan Wooten

XxShAwNIiiExX_Kyshan Wooten

ThIsS IsS a DiGiTaL PaInTiNG Of mY cElEbRiTY CruSh ''cIaRa'' aNd i sTaRtED WiTh A SiMpLe sKeTcH FrOm A PhOtO FoUnD ON GoOgLe....aND OnCe i sKeTcHeD tHe pHOtO OUt i tHEn sCaNnEd It oNtO The cOmPUtEr...aNd wIth hElP FrOm MoOrE cOllEgEs hAnDy dAnDy waCoM tAbLeT I ComPLeTed a awSoMe pAinTInG....

Ricardo Santiago

I took a rose and turned it to a black and white rose. It was fun to do this rose.

Ricardo Santiago

avrie graham

XxShaWniiExX_Kyshan Wooten

tHE OriGiNaL InSPiRaTiON FoR ThE ''JUXtapoz'' PiEcE WaS CoNfUsiOn aNd a mIX Of pErsOnAlItIeS GOInG ThReW My nEiGhBoRHoOD..AnD ThE WaY I SaW It wAS WiLd cRaZy aNd A MIx oF FEElInGs......tHe ''geRmApHoBeS SaNiTiZR PIeCe wAs a tOpIC Of wHiCh wE cHoSE ONe wOrD,MiNe wAS GeRmApHObE.AnD WiTh ThAt WoRd wE HaD tO AdvErTIsE tHe wOrD WiTh A MaDe Up PrOdUcT....SoO i bAsIcAllY PuT A MaGnIfIeD GeRM iin ThA BaCk'gRouNd aND ThINgS ThaT rELaTed tO keEpInG GerMs aWaY...-Kyshan Wooten

Jacob Ruttenberg

Liz McClafferty

Top Left: U2: War article, Moore College Flyer, and Cafe flyer (Magazine page); Psychedelic Cafe Flyer
Bottom Left to Right: Chase Coy Business Card (Front and Back); Missing magazine Cover



Ricardo Santiago

This is my magazine cover, I think it is so cool. It was a bit hard to make, but in the end, I thought it was very fun to make. I had help from Dan, which is THE COOLEST GUY I EVER MET. I thank him for teaching me in this class.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WEEK 5 PROJECT – Create a Magazine Cover

WEEK 5 PROJECT – Create a Magazine Cover

Create a magazine cover using references found in the Library. You can recreate an existing magazine cover or make a new magazine cover of your own.

• “Clean Up” – Polishing our work for professional look to add to our portfolio and blog.

Create an Artist Blog – Creating an In class blog and post your work from this

workshop on our blog. Review other artist blogs to see how to effectively post your


What is social networking? Wikipedia says, "A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others." A recent statistic shows that 150 million people around the world are now actively using Facebook, and almost half of them are using it every day. The numbers are climbing every minute on MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter and many other platforms, as well.

According to Mari-Lyn Hudson, an artist and social media coach for creative professionals (, "Social networking is about developing relationships and interacting with people. It's the easiest way to market yourself and to build a following. People buy from people who they like, understand and trust."


Family Day

From 11am-12pm Please Invite Family and Friends to see your work for an in class critique with snacks!



Using the Wacom Tablet in Photoshop the students will create and/or recreate a painting digitally. Painting any subject and orientation of their choice, students will lean the subtleties of the pen and brush tools on a wacom tablet. This project will mimic traditional methods of painting to gain a working knowledge of

Project Specs:

• 8 ½ X 11 Portrait or Landscape

• Resolution set to 150 – 300 DPI

- Find Inspiration: An artist whose style or techniques you would like to mimic.

- A Digital Painting, Illustration you are going to recreate can be Scanned then painted.



Students will create an advertisement and spot illustration to apply in a magazine page.

Through knowledge gained during the course students will use traditional and digital means to create a spot illustration that will accompany appropriate text found in a magazine page.

Project Specs:

YAW Advertisement:

- Vital Information that must be used in advertisement:

YAW Workshop 2009 – Young Artists Workshop 2009

Introduction to Digital Art

Monday – Thursday 9AM-12PM

@ Moore College of Art & Science

20th Street and The Parkway | Philadelphia, PA 19103 | 215.965.4000


- Text and content must be approved:

Find text and create a spot illustration for an article that you would see in a magazine and or newspaper.

- Vital Information that must be used in conjunction with spot illustration:

One Illustration.

Text to Accompany illustration.

Header/Title for the section that this page will be found. Ex. Music, Joke, Interest, Travel, Food, etc…

Key Terms:

Spot Illustration a small drawing, usually appearing within or accompanying a text.

Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing (DTP) software application produced by Adobe Systems which can be used to create anything from posters, flyers, and brochures to full magazines or books.



Students will create a logo in Adobe Illustrator for a company and then apply that logo to a business card.

Project Specs:

- Business cards (3-1/2” wide and 2” high)

- Contain Logo

- Contain key contact information

(Name, phone, email, address, Website address, your job title, or 2-3 competencies)

Logo and business card design are two of the most important elements of any brand. They are normally the first two pieces of material that anyone sees about you. It should shout reliability, quality and trust me, without shouting into people’s faces. The design of your Logo or brand is how people will relate to you. It has to say everything about you, and you have the control of exactly what it says.

The Importance of a Logo - A logo helps to create visibility, credibility, and memorability.

Business Cards - Business card, give you the opportunity to provide critical career and contact information with people you meet in social and professional situations.

When designing your logo & business cards, remember to keep the design and layout clean and simple. Keep your business cards clean and crisp. A business card focuses on your job objective or unique selling proposition. Be sure to include all your pertinent contact information, including your name, phone number, email address, postal mail address; and Web site address, cell phone or fax numbers (if you have them).

Most formal or conservative business cards use “normal” fonts, use font sizes of 10-11 points, and stay with traditional colors of ink and paper. In the creative field, you can be a bit more adventurous.

- Once your cards are printed, be sure to utilize a business card holder to protect your cards and keep them clean and crisp. What's the point of going to all the trouble of designing and printing great business cards if you let them become soiled or dog-eared.

- Logo & business cards are an effective and professional way to stand out from your peers.

- You can get your business cards printed at a local print shop, at numerous places on the web, and even print them yourself using special business card paper.

WEEK 1 Welcome to Intro to Digital Art

Course Description:

Students will learn the fundamentals of digital imaging as a tool for art and design within the Mac environment. The course provides an introduction to fundamental principals of visual expression and communication. Class projects include digital painting, layout design, and image editing through exploration of Adobe Creative Suite 4 applications used in contemporary digital design.

Digital Art is a vague term in the sense of production. Together we will be exploring different ways to translate digital art through: Flyer Design, Magazine Cover, Digital Painting, Spot Illustration, and Advertisement. Inside of those assignments we will discuss the fundamentals of layout, design, emotion, etc. to convey the most effective and dynamic results in design.

Course Objectives

• Confidently Navigate through CS4 applications

• Dynamic & Creative Concepts

• Well Rounded Digital Portfolio

Week 1 –

Intro to Digital Art Applications

Create an Flyer from a Vocabulary Word Assignment

Acclimate to Photoshop and it's Toolbars